Making the poster and draft versions
This is my final poster. After adding in the credit block and age rating, I then added in a secondary image to go on the sides of the primary image. I also changed the title font to a more interesting style and edited it.
We all stayed with the same theme for our posters. We all had the keyboard theme though out our posters. All of our secondary images were similar, we kept with a tree theme. This would show that these posters are all part of the same campaign.

In this picture I am creating the credit block in photoshop for my poster and for the rest of the group to use

This was the first draft of my poster, it was still in development here and you can see there was still some key features missing such and the age rating and credit block. Our group used the idea of a keyboard with a written message on it to act as a slogan.

I merged their faces and edited their eyes.

I started off by joining Chirag and Diana face in Photoshop

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