
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?

Our trailer had some similar Mise En scene conventions to our similar media such as:

Costume- our choice of costume was carefully chosen. Chirags costume was a formal suit to make him appear older and professional looking. Diana had a hat, pink bag and coat to make her look innocent and feminine. These conventions are similar to the ones in used in Hard Candy.

Sound- The sounds used in our trailer used similar conventions to our similar media text. In the opening the sound of her typing is used just like it is in Hard Candy. Voice over’s were also used and are quotes from in the film of her talking to Chirag.

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The combination of these media products create a synergy that would be used to promote the film if it were to show in cinemas. The posters would be put in public places such as bus stops or bill boards. The magazines would be sold in news agents and book shops. And the trailer would be shown on TV and in Cinemas overall creating a synergy between them rather than just having a trailer itself. The media products also create a theme between them, making the film more recognizable.

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We learnt a lot from our audience along the way including what sort of feel and look they would like in the media products. We noticed that most people in out target audience liked the horror genre for it to have a dark feel to it so that’s why we chose to do horror. Our target audience liked the overall product although some suggested that we used different music.

4.How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation

We used editing software such as Adobe premiere elements to edit our trailer. We all used Photoshop to edit our Poster and magazine covers and had to learn the basics before making the real thing. For our research we used the internet to analyze movie posters and magazines. We used advanced film equipment such as HD cameras, microphones and tripods, monopods.

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